Sunday, March 29, 2020

Finding a Good Tutor For High School

Finding a Good Tutor For High SchoolHow to find a tutor for high school in your area is not as difficult as many people make it out to be. You can just put up a sign on the side of your driveway, drive to a convenience store, or run across one of the tutoring websites that are now available. But this doesn't mean that you can just walk into a school and pick one up. Here are a few things to keep in mind to make sure that you are getting the best possible service.First of all, if you are looking for a tutor, you need to be honest with yourself about whether or not you really want to take this step. You will not get the best results from a student that you have no interest in. Of course, you could not have a student that you don't feel a connection with, but that may not always be a good idea either.Once you have decided that you are going to go through the process of how to find a tutor for high school, you need to get comfortable with your situation. There are some important factors that you need to consider when choosing a local tutor to work with.If you want to work with a local school and someone from your neighborhood, you will need to ask around and see what sort of resources are available to you. Make sure that you know who to ask to get the most information from them so that you can get the best results.Think about who your family and friends are going to be. If you have family members or friends that are already in a good program, then they may be able to help you out. But you also need to think about the possibility of getting a referral from a friend or co-worker.Another factor to consider is whether or not the teacher of the student that you are seeking the services of has any recommendations. Some teachers are in such a good relationship with their students that they can recommend students to you based on the same criteria that they use.So you need to find out where these teachers are located and ask if they have any recommendations. And if they do, contact them to see if they would be willing to recommend the student to you. These are all important factors to take into consideration because you never know what is going to happen with your next big decision in life.The basic concept of how to find a tutor for high school is really simple. Find a teacher that you are in a good enough relationship with to recommend you to another student. And this may require that you meet a few more people in your circle of friends, but once you do, you will realize that there is no better way to find a good tutor.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Raw Cookie Dough -- Ruined Forever

Raw Cookie Dough -- Ruined Forever This is great news for the health-conscious, carrot lovers. But for everyone else, this is a giant letdown. I mean think about it, how much of your childhood consisted of stealing raw batter from mixing bowls? Or popping out a Nestle Tollhouse cookie dough square and eating it until you felt sick from sugar overload? There’s even the eggless cookie dough to prevent health concerns surrounding raw eggs. But no that’s not even good enough anymore. So now what’s the problem? Flour. According to the FDA, a recent outbreak of E.coli is linked to contaminated flour. While it’s easy to brush this off as another panic over some disease you’re never going to get, it’s important to note that this is a fairly widespread problem. In total, 38 people in 20 states have been infected by Shiga toxin-producing E.coli 0121, a strain that can be found in flour. These infections began in December 2015 and have led to the hospitalization of 10 people. So yes, the odds of getting this illness are fairly low, but it’s definitely not worth the risk. The reported symptoms of this outbreak include stomach cramps, diarrhea which is described as bloody, as well as vomiting, much like the stomach flu. However, while most of those infected get better after a week, some aren’t so lucky. Of those infected, some experienced kidney failure, known as hemolytic uremic syndrome. Children under five years old, older adults and those with weakened immune systems are the most susceptible to this severity of the illness. The FDA and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) ran investigations that led to the source of the outbreak at the General Mills facility in Kansas City, MO. The flour in question was produced in November 2015, and General Mills has since voluntarily recalled 10 million pounds of flour that were produced between November 14 and December 4 of last year. The three brand names effected by these recalls are Gold Medal, Signature Kitchens and Gold Medal Wondra. For those that have any of this flour that’s been recalled, throw it away. The major concern with this particular outbreak is that flour isn’t typically something you consider may be contaminated. According to Jenny Scott, the senior adviser in the FDA’s Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition, “flour is not the type of thing that we commonly associate with pathogens.” The assumption is that the flour has been contaminated in the field, as it’s most exposed in this stage. According to Adam Karcz, “E.coli is a gut bug that can spread from a cow doing its business in the field, or it could live in the soil for a period of time; and if you think about it, flour comes from the ground, so it could be a risk.” While this isn’t risky when the flour is cooked (how it’s typically consumed), this is a major issue when it comes to batter and cookie dough. According to Scott, “For the most part, the risk from flour is pretty low, and most use of flour involves a ‘kill step’ people bake with it.” However, it’s still important that when dealing with raw flour, we’re now being extra careful. Constantly wash your hands, don’t touch your face, etc. According to Scott, “Kids are going to handle it and touch their faces, and they’re going to lick their fingers; it’s hard to supervise that.” Karcz suggests storing flour in dry, cool places in order to avoid contamination. Also, it’s important to clean up all kitchen surfaces that came into contact with flour as well as to thoroughly wash any dishes or utensils that were used with flour. This will be your best bet in preventing the spread of bacteria. Also, if any symptoms do develop, report the illness immediately. It’s important for this to be documented to the FDA/CDC, so they can track the outbreak and send out appropriate warnings to others in the area. According to Scott, “We want to encourage consumers to report their illnesses, even though it’s an imperfect system. We’d like to have the tests done and get everything reported and identify these outbreaks so we can follow up, discover root causes and make changes in the system so that people don’t get sick in the future.”

Making the Most Out of an Online Internship

Making the Most Out of an Online Internship via Embrace the flexible hours One of the biggest advantages of pursuing an online internship is the opportunity to have more flexible hours. You will not have to factor in commute time traffic with or without carpool, or planning around the bus schedules when the majority of the internship can be completed within the comfort of your own living space. Not having to commute will allow you to work around your online internships deadlines while taking advantage of when you are most productive, or when you have the most free time. If you are a morning person, you can get all of your internship work done by the time you have to leave for an afternoon class or closing shift for your part-time job. On the other hand, if you are a night person, you can spend late hours into the night completing tasks for your online internship, which is something you cant do with a typical internship as most workplaces would be closed off-hours. Being able to work flexible hours in an online internship will also allow you to fit internship work around your established schedule that you cant get out of academic classes, extracurricular organizations and clubs, or shifts at your part-time job(s). An online internship, for the most part, will allow you more control of your own work hours  (outside of schedule Skype calls, phone meetings, etc.). Make an effort to communicate with your boss and coworkers When most online internships do not require you to visit an office for the majority of your time working there, or at all, one of the bigger questions you may have is how you are supposed to establish a network with your colleagues if you do not see them on a regular basis. The power of the internet isnt just in the flexibility of your online internship, but also in the way that it allows you to engage with colleagues you will not be able to see on a regular basis. Make sure you are taking advantage of networking sites like LinkedIn, where you can connect with your company colleagues and establish a network to touch back on. Online communication is key, so respond to emails or phone calls promptly. These can come in the form of quick check-ins with your boss to show progress or ask questions, or going to colleagues for help or to get to know each other. The amount of communication with your colleagues will depend on the type of online internship you end up pursuing some will have you doing weekly Skype calls with your work colleagues, while others will have you working by yourself for most of the time, if not all the time. Do not let the idea of missing out on a networking opportunity make you skip out on an online internship because it is something you can eventually work toward. Take initiative and ask for feedback when you can You may think that taking part in an online internship will take away the opportunity to get hands-on job experience, but that isnt always the case with an online internship. You are still assigned tasks and will have expectations placed on you, and you will have guidelines and protocol just like you would at any other job or internship.   You wont have constant eyes on you from your supervisor or colleagues, so it may be easy to go off-task or avoid your responsibilities until the last minute, but that is something you definitely do not want to do in an online internship. Be prepared to take initiatives and be on the lookout for new opportunities, whether it be taking on an extra assignment or two each week, or accepting a new responsibility when you get the opportunity to. When you do not have a supervisor to constantly report to, you may also want to check in with them without being asked to. Ask for feedback on your recent performance, or ask for different resources you can use to improve on your next task. An online internship is definitely not your typical type of internship, but you can take steps to make it a just as valuable experience.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Organic Chemistry Tutor - The Best Program For a Chemist

Organic Chemistry Tutor - The Best Program For a ChemistIf you are looking for an interesting job, then a course in organic chemistry may be the right one for you. It may not be easy for you to get a job as a scientist; if this is the case, this may be the best job for you to have. This program will allow you to get to know the chemistry and also interact with other people in a fun way. Here are some of the things that you can learn in this course.In organic chemistry, you will learn about different types of atoms that make up a substance. You will learn about what an atom is and how an atom can be described. You will also be introduced to things like bases, or bases as they are called in this field. This type of course allows you to develop your own theory about the properties of a substance.Organic chemistry will also teach you about the basic forms of energy. These types of concepts are also very important because they are used to define how a substance will react when exposed to certain energy sources. In this course, you will also be taught about the electromagnetic energy spectrum and how this energy can affect different kinds of substances. There are several types of energies, which include thermal, mechanical, chemical, and electromagnetic. In addition, this course will introduce you to the theory that explains how things can be classified.After you have learned all of these important topics in organic chemistry, you will be able to start creating your own materials for experiments. Your materials will be able to give you the experimental results you want. You will learn to draw pictures, and you will be able to explain what you are doing to the teacher.As you continue in organic chemistry, you will learn to create a substance from scratch. This may sound strange to some people, but it is actually quite simple to do. You will learn about the basics of chemistry and how things work and what the rules are.Once you finish organic chemistry, you may be read y to take on a challenging career. If you want to get into a position that requires working with hazardous chemicals, you should check out this course.Other than being able to draw pictures and explain things to the teacher, you may also be able to work with different kinds of material. You will also be able to learn about different colors and different textures. You will also be able to experiment with different substances and make different things.

The Evolution of Amber Sanders Tutor

The Evolution of Amber Sanders TutorAmber Sander is a tutor at the Desire school. She has a sweet disposition, she is very friendly and enjoys being around other children. At home she is a very happy and affectionate girl who will have a fantastic time being at the school.Amber was born with numerous health problems that eventually got her confined to her home. She was always prone to asthma, colic and nausea. As Amber's health became worse, she began to take medications to help her feel better. It seemed to be working for a while, but in time, Amber began having severe back pain and began to be confined in her room.Amber wanted out of her restricted home environment. She knew that if she left her home for a while, it would make her feel more comfortable and that would make her better as well. So, when she started to attend school full time, Amber was happy to find that she could do so. She now finds herself very happy in school and is getting good grades.Amber knew that her son Jake would be very upset at her leaving the house, but she knew that she needed to go. A tutor who went to school at Desire Academy is definitely something that the Sander family does not have. With Amber's health problems, the doctors say that she needs some physical therapy can really improve a person's life.Amber's parents agree and they are planning on inviting Amber to come back home with them. They will need a tutor and the Sander family is going to need a tutor as well. Amber may feel like she has a lot going on in her life and school, but her parents will not agree. In fact, Amber's mother has stated that Amber would love to be there because her family would be much happier if she was there.Amber does have friends who visit her in the school at Desire, but these friends are not the Sander family. Amber really feels like she is at home in the Desire School, so Amber is pleased with herself for returning.Amber will miss the camaraderie with her classmates and her friends at school , but Amber will be very happy to be back at home. Even with her illness, Amber still loves her home and knows that she has found a good school for her. After all, a good school for Amber is a place where she will have fun, be with friends and also be healthy.

English Language Learning Programs - How To Choose The Right One

English Language Learning Programs - How To Choose The Right OneEnglish language learning programs are useful in achieving language fluency. These programs provide the student with high-quality tools to learn English by listening, reading, writing and speaking. There are many companies that offer these programs to those students who cannot afford to pay for private lessons in an actual classroom.In choosing a language learning program, students should not forget that they can choose from several options. Different schools and universities also offer different English language programs. So choosing the right one can be hard, especially if the options available are very limited.Choose wisely so that you don't end up wasting your time and money. There are several programs available in the market that are either too basic or too complicated. For example, an intensive program may help you speak English faster but if it does not give any useful information, then there is no point in enroll ing for such an expensive program.English language learning programs usually take 6 weeks or more for you to realize good results. So it's important that you choose a program that fits your schedule and is well-suited to your requirement. So if you have the time and money to spend, choose a program which allows you to become fluent in English as soon as possible.You should look for a language program that will teach you English without any interruptions. This means that you should enroll in an English program that has no distractions and focuses on teaching and learning. Also, make sure that your teacher is a native English speaker so that you don't get lost during your lessons.Before enrolling for a course, make sure that you have enough time for learning. You should ensure that you can learn the language at your own pace that suits you best. Also, make sure that you can finish the course within the required time frame.There are many benefits of taking an English language program i n a short span of time. However, make sure that you can spare some time for studying and that you don't rush the program to ensure maximum benefits.

Ear Training Exercises Chords Scales

Ear Training Exercises Chords Scales Suzy S. Before you can master an instrument like the guitar, students need to first learn the art of listening. When you can quickly recognize certain things like intervals, chords and scales, your playing ability will greatly improve. Read on for a great ear training exercise from Elk Grove, CA teacher Loren R When music students first hear of ear training, they might not understand what it means.   It sounds important and basic, but what is it? When we hear music, we know that its our ears that need to be trained, because music is only for ears, not for the eyes. We also know that hearing is not just hearing. Theres hearing and then theres knowing what were hearing. If we learn to know what were hearing well enough, we will have the skill to go to our instrument and reproduce the music, either in part, or with an arrangement that is manageable by our single effort on our instrument. We can learn to hear how to represent the various instruments in the band playing the music. When people see these skills in action they say, That musician plays well by ear. This is a high compliment among musicians. But how does one develop a good ear? One important part is simply being able to match the pitch one hears in the music to a pitch one plays on their instrument. Ask your teacher to let you give that a try if you havent done that. Many people can do that already, but dont know how to go beyond that to recognize more of the music than just the one note at a time. The trick is to find a way to play the sounds you need to learn the most. They are called chords and scales. Also, we need a few recognizable bits of melody that are common in music. I call these moves. In real music, chords, scales and moves always occur in the context of rhythmic patterns, too. Even in the music where there are lots of repetitions, and we can add even more repetitions to give ourselves a certain picture of what our ears are hearing. If we can find a way to play the most common chords, scales and melody fragments, and make direct comparisons one after another in repetition, well begin to recognize the most common elements in music. Thats ear training. Once a musician knows a good portion of the most common chord progressions, scales and moves in their favorite genre of music, theyll be ear-trained in that genre. For guitarists, the key of A is a common key to start with. Here are the chords derived from the A scale: A, Bm, C#m, D, E7, F#m and G#dim. Set yourself up to do chord comparisons by using chords that set up the key in four-square phrasing first (loops of chord changes once per measure in four measures lengths, measures being four beats on one chord). Play through the chords in the pattern youve chosen, setting the key up clearly by using lots of A, D and E7. Then have your guitar teacher help you to audition each chord by changing only one chord at the beginning of a new loop of 8 measures of the progression, beginning a new progression with just one substitution chord at the beginning of the loop. Audition chords borrowed from the parallel minor scale to find some really pretty or interesting ones. Like these: F, G, C   (borrowed from A minor). Prettier, but less common chords are the add 9 chords. They work even better, but you might need some help finding them with your teacher. You might also like Ear Training Exercises: Recognizing Intervals Music Transcription: How to Transcribe Your Favorite Song 5 Things That Challenge Even the Best Guitar Newbies Loren R. teaches guitar, piano, bass guitar, music theory, and songwriting lessons to students of all ages in Elk Grove, CA. Loren joined the TakeLessons team in October 2012, with two music degrees and several years of teaching experience. His specialties include country, rock and classical styles. Learn more about Loren, or visit TakeLessons to find a teacher near you! Photo by stephcarter